Tag Archives: photograph

Northern coasts and seas

What’s up North?

This is a photograph of the Galloway coast, a favourite haunt of seascape artists. It’s ‘up north’ for many U.K. residents, but not for those who paint here.

Northerly places are usually assumed to be tougher to live in. They languish in colder weather and there are fewer people around. The imagined harshness and loneliness is accentuated because the North has mountains whilst other parts of Britain have hills. The Northern seas are part of the stereotypical Scottish landscape of the mind, which has in turn been portrayed as bleak and/or mystical, empty and/or abandoned, romantic or post-industrial wasteland. Any artist might build the clichéd elements into their world view. However, those who have lived in Scotland for an appreciable length of time might also have incorporated the actuality, what they could sense of the environment and absorb from the country’s culture.


Thoughts about the notion of PLACE

What is ‘place’?
Place is a central part of how humans know the world. We go to a place, we live in a place, we build a bridge and change an ’empty’ space into a place where we can meet someone or take a picture or document in a map. By being in place, each person stamps a segment of space and time with their knowledge, their individual ‘knowing’.
That knowing comes from experience that is gained through sensing the environment; seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling. The person integrates that sensory information with what (s)he already ‘knows’ and feels, with pre-existing cultural and emotional and cognitive understandings.

The artist chooses a space to ‘capture’ or ‘portray’, but what does that mean? Does the artist then define the space as a known place, even to the extent of trying to put the viewer ‘there’?
Though context is important, there are more immediate, direct sensory influences on an artist who paints in place for a period of time. This is his/her sensory situation (situation has been suggested as a more useful word than context to describe what is influencing an artist in place – it can reference both location and subjective feelings).

What aspects of the situation influenced the photographer to ‘capture’ this image of this particular place?