PhD Research Diary (Joe Boyd)
Date | Brief details of activity (supervisor contact, research visit, notes of action, etc.) |
19-09-19 | Drafted ‘Stepping Stones’ |
20-09-19 | Began notes re ‘Democratic Intellect’ |
23-09-19 | Wrote directly to Mrs Helen Bellany to request conversation about JB work |
23-09-19 | Wrote to NGS to request access to Eardley archive |
23-09-19 | Wrote to Colin Bailey to request conversation about Scottish Artists distinctiveness |
24-09-19 | Delivery of ‘Restless Wave’ by Helen Bellany |
11-10-19 | Eardley archive in NGS Modern 2 – reviewed and photographed |
19-11-19 | Meeting with Colin Bailey, former Dean of Edinburgh College of Art and Art Historian. Discussed project and also the differences between Art Higher Education in Scotland and in England. |
10-12-19 | Submission of redrafted ‘Stepping Stones’ paper to JH & JM |
15-12-19 | Submission of draft Ethics application to JH. |
17-12-19 | Meeting in St. Andrews. With admin to prove identity. With Jeremy Howard, re. project. (Separate paper). With library and then card services re. identity card. |
18-12-19 | Meeting in Lincoln. With John Morrison to discuss project. With Lynn for PG induction. With Oonagh re. library facilities. (Separate paper). |
19-12-19 | Email containing first ‘assignment’ – an introductory Literature Review. |
24-12-19 | Submission of revised Ethics application to JH. |
Wb 06-01-20 | Set up of computer and library accounts etc. Search of databases for seascapes, Scottish paintings, nationhood, Englishness. |
Wb 13-01-20 | Completed review of M.A. yr 1. Began review M.A. yr 2.
Attended Celtic Connections ‘coasts and waters’ day, Glasgow. Lit review training module. |
Wb 20-01-20 | Completed review of M.A. yr 2. Visit to ‘Ten Thousand Miles of Edge’ on Calton Hill. |
Wb 27-01-20 | Edin Univ Library (28/01) Continued reading all week. Humanities research training module. Visit to Scottish Maritime Museum, Irvine. |
Wb 03-02-20 | Reading and noting refs. Meeting with JH; skype JM. Talk from Alan Riach. Bought his book. Local library research |
Wb 10-02-20 | Completed first reading/noting of refs. St. Andrews PhD workshops (11/02). Began organising the intro lit review. |
Wb 17-02-20 | First draft of Intro review. Checking of all refs. |
Wb 24-02-20 | Final version of Intro Review. Submitted 27/02/20 |
Wb 02-03-20 | Read/noted Scrutton on McTaggart; Development course on Project Planning; Continued reading on ‘Place’. Gallery visit. |
Wb 09-03-20 | Plan for next steps (3 months ahead); reading theses; skills development course. Gantt chart for whole project. |
Wb 16-03-20 | Meeting cancelled. Reading re. ‘place’ and cultural geography. Epigeum course on publishing research. |
Wb 23-03-20 | Reading re. ‘place’. Used Lincoln WORDPRESS to learn about and set up research website. Live. |
Wb 30-03-20 | Art in Theory – looking for methodologies. Online course on building website. Epigeum course on conferences/networking. |
Wb 06-04-20 | Endnote development course. Read/noted. (‘Idea of North’; Hermeneutics). Began sifting images made from public catalogues. |
Wb 13-04-20 | Ordered ref books for study. Whittling down list of papers to read/note. (‘Place matters’; ‘Place Facets’). Contacted I.T. re deriving artist’s colour palette from images. Checked several ref on this and tried out ‘python’ software on Bellany. |
Wb 20-04-20 | Read/noted books. (‘Location’ & ‘Seascapes’) |
Wb 27-04-20 | Read/noted books (Landscape and Power;). 23/04. Online TEAMS meeting with JM/JH. 24/04 Online St A course on conference planning. |
Wb 04-05-20 | Read John Schueler, To the North & Singing Songs of the Scottish Heart. Kathleen Jamie – Scottish poet. |
Wb 11-05-20 | Began reading/noting ‘Key Thinkers on Space and Place’. Mindmaps of really key ones. Followed up several. |
Wb 18-05-20 | Redrafted information sheet to interviewees. Contacted one. Completed reading/noting ‘Key Thinkers on Space and Place’. Plan for first interview with an artist. Ordered yet more books. |
Wb 25-05-20 | Reading and noting ‘Visual Methodolgies’. Drafted 5000+ words on ‘Space, Place and Scape’, an exploration of central concepts. Two interviews with Ann Smith, artist, on ZOOM. Recorded. |
Wb 01-06-20 | Edited/redrafted ‘Space, Place and Scape’. 03/06 Online TEAMS meeting with JM/JH. |
Wb 08-06-20 | Reading/noting Rose – methodology. Affinity designer software – workbook. |
Wb 15-06-20 | Reading/noting Rose – methodology. 20/06 Online TEAMS discussion with AS re palette research. Fixed regular meet. Informed Ethics committee. Thesis outline (chronological chapters). |
Wb 22-06-20 | Redrafted thesis outline structure (Locality chapters). 24/06 Online TEAMS meeting with JM/JH. Tuan papers. |
Wb 29-06-20 | Initial online Teams meetings with Asher and Alex re. project. |
Wb 06-07-20 | Researched Zarth Pritchard. Read part of Kaufman book and other papers. |
Wb 13 -07-20 | Read/noted Blaikie, Massey, Daniels papers. Some other short articles. Art history issues. |
Wb 20-07-20 | Visit Uncle in Ayr 19-21. Browse reading on seascape artists. Nature & Culture ideas outline. TEAMS meet with AS and AK. |
Wb 27-07-20 | Read/noted Ingold, various papers. Abstract for SSAH study day in Feb. |
Wb 03-08-20 | Revised plan of thesis. Joan Eardley archive materials. INGOLD The perception of the environment. DAVIE on Godamer |
Wb 10-08-20 | Holiday – 4 days in Fife! 10-14 |
Wb 17-08-20 | 19/08 Online TEAMS meeting with JM/JH, Tim Ingold continued |
Wb 24-08-20 | Research more artists online. Zoom with Janette Kerr (25-08). Identify archive sources. Researched transcription methods. Subscribed to Otter. Transcribed both artist interviews and some films. |
Wb 31-08-20 | Corrected transcriptions; Developed methodology re Artist’s discourse and tested some with Janette Kerr materials. Revised thesis outline. |
Wb 7 -09-20 | 09/09&10/09 East Midlands Doctoral Conference; INGOLD, Perception of Environment. |
Wb 14-09-20 | St Andrews 13/09-16/09; meeting with JH at St A; tourist guides from 1836; TUAN articles; HOWARD, Intro to Landscape. |
Wb 21-09-20 | Readings. Completion of Lincoln PGR confirm of studies; 21/09 Online PGR meet Alistair Ryder; Elisivier course online: writing a journal paper; cleared Academia reading suggestions. Articles on ‘thick description’. ELKINS, Landscape Theory. |
Wb 28-09-20 | 23/09 Completed Lincoln Researcher development Needs (RDNA); Reading of collected papers. Discovered how to print comments made on PDFs! 1/10 Online course: The Writing Process. Bought materials for daily fastwriting. Family funeral in Oxford, 02/10 to 05/10. |
Wb 05-10-20 | Readings. Began ‘fastwriting’. Sea as metaphor. Relationship between theory and ‘canon’; the cultural landscape; no pristine shore left. |
Wb 12-10-20 | Readings about ‘the north’. Concept of ‘nordicity’. Thesis on 3 discourse ‘lenses. Developed plan for ‘situate the painter’ with thoughts on modern/post-modern/phenomenological discourses. Analysis of JE exhibition images. |
Wb 19-10-20 | Completed introduction to Affinity design programme. Microsoft Access – Determined to set up database – LinkedIn course. Worked 4 days at this. Revised paintings database but still images problem. |
Wb 26-10-20 | 28 Art Hist lecture; more readings and noting; ACCESS database – continued setting this up. |
Wb 02-11-20 | 4 Art Hist lecture; 5 PhD forum; 6 Scottish graduate School event; 7 SSAH webinar (Digital futures); Discourse analysis; LinkedIn course on Nvivo. |
Wb 09-11-20 | Worked through entire textbook whilst setting up own project files; Jackson & Bazeley, 2019, Qualitative Data Analysis with NVIVO 3rd Edition. |
Wb 16-11-20 | 18 Art Hist lecture; 19 Online ZOOM Marian Leven; transcribed. |
Wb 23-11-20 | 25 Doctoral workshop Research Interviews; Art History lecture; moved to dedicated study room upstairs. Built furniture. |
Wb 30-11-20 | 01/12 phone discussion with Will Maclean; transcribed. |
Wh 07-12-20 | Prepared materials for annual review. Lindsay Blair articles. |